Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The 79 Is Now Free....Until January

Christine Beach, BR.
Both 79 Shuttle El Trains & Shuttle Buses are now free.
The 79 Elevated's "Lindsay Blitz" construction called for half of the elevated subway line to be shuttle buses at all times during the removal of tracks for new platforms. The shuttle buses ran on a schedule similar to trains but it was costing them time and often late due to rush hour traffic along Ocean & Christine Avenues. To add, the bus shortage of spare buses for shuttle buses called for 25 buses to be borrowed from Great Grundolf Transit for shuttle work. As of Monday morning, it was announced all shuttles will be free as well as the in service portion of the el. The wish has now been granted. The 79 from South Clubs to Exhibition Hall is now FREE from now until January 1st in order to help customer satisfaction.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Lindsay Blitz Isn't Going Well

North Christine, BR.

Packed and often slow shuttle buses are infuriating riders.
The 79's Lindsay-Ocean Station prior to being torn down this week was the oldest elevated in Metropolis dating back to 1959 when the elevated bridge and station was built to bring trolleys over into Downtown instead of using the Christine Bridge that at time was planned on being tied into the I-626 construction. The station was later upgraded to a rapid transit (elevated subway) station in 1991 but kept the same structure while the rest of the line was built using a more effective three track method to run express service during the peak periods. Now at capacity, the two tracked 1959/1991 rebuilt station was torn down to make way for the new three track express station that will increase the amount of trains the line can run.

The catch? No elevated service for a week and only four days into the shut down people are speaking up and are not happy with the way Metropolis Transit is handling the shut down which also put the 3 trolley out of commission for it's last 3/4 mile of it's journey. Shuttle buses are criticized as packed, slow and ineffective for this type of shut down despite Metropolis Transit using all 60 foot articulated buses which hold more passengers.

Shuttle bus leaves Angelia-Ocean after carrying on load from a 79 train that just pulled in. 
"Keeping the El closed during rush hour is a big mistake, especially with all the congestion caused on the route, nobody is getting anywhere because the buses are on the street", one resident said. 

"It took me 2 and a half hours to get to work today, and it usually takes me a 5 minute bus ride and a 15 minute train ride," said another person who lives in Christine Beach. Traffic was the blame for that delay because of a accident  but still caused a backlashed. 
Crowding a rush hour 79 shuttle bus. 

Others also criticized the fact that running one 60 foot bus in the place of six 53 foot subway cars is not a proper way of moving a crowd at rush hour. Metropolis Transit officials had this statement to say:
"In order to make a bus bridge, buses have to be taken off other in-service bus routes to run for that bus bridge. We're short on buses, articulated buses to be exact. The New Flyer order for 40 new Artics is late and we're trying to make do with what we got. We recently launched a program where we're running normal transit length buses behind the articulated buses on certain rush hours runs to try to ease the congestion. Until, a better solution is found within the next 48 hours, the bus bridge runs will remain with same number of equipment we're currently running."

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

DashTransit Rebuilds House Park Trolley Depot

North Christine, BR. Nov 26th 2014.
Recently rebuilt tracks at House Park Depot
When The Metropolis Connector loops opened in 2014, there was no clear picture where the trolleys would be laid up. The only soultion was share space at Ran Mourie Depot and use the only working two tracks at House Park Depot. HPD was the main depot for the Broadway & Boga IBOA trolleys until the company went under in 1975 and bought out by Metropolis Transit in 1976. Metropolis Transit treated the depot as a paint shop for the Gretalinn trolley routes (Route 3 & 7) until 2004 when Gretalinn was rebuilt with a paint shop. The depot building's tracks remained wired as some 3 & 47 trolleys used the depot as short turn point while the yard tracks were severed and unused.

A 46 bus using the depot as a looping point due to construction at 21st-Lindsay. 

DashTransit Services's Metropolis Connector Trolley was placed into service in the summer of 2014 and the Red Loop (formerly the 47 trolley) used the depot tracks to park PCC trolleys for the service. With a federal grant, DashTransit hired a private contracting firm to rip up the old yard tracks and replace them with brand new ones as well as a new depot building. The yard was expanded to 5 tracks instead of 4 and new electric wires were erected to power trolley cars. When all said and done, the depot will be able to house 45 trolley cars including their upcoming order of Siemens S70s that will replace the vintage PCCs on the Red Loop. Those PCC cars will go back to Geneva Heights Trolley Museum.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Metropolis Transit's President Nikki Casey Talks 47, 22/26 Extension & Other Plans

Metropolis, BR. Nov 14th 2014
Nicholette Casey has been the president of Metropolis Transit since 2008.
In a recent interview with Metropolis Transit's President & General Manager, Nicholette Casey, a lot of light was drawn on the future of the transit system that's currently in the mist of two major expansion project after recently completing another that was called a "boondoggle". The 2012 opening of the 47 elevated was a bittersweet victory for Casey's early career at MT. 

"I got death threats," she said, "as well as lot of insults such as one telling me to go back to the girl's bathroom of the high school I came from."

The hate came from a lot of property owners along Ballerman Blvd's main trunk who felt the elevated tracks over the street would cause a change in how people would see the community. The line, like all other Metropolis Elevated Railway Lines, was originally a streetcar/trolley line that ran from Uptown to Morrisville. 

"One thing I possibly till this day regret is not sending the line to Morrisville like the trolley did," Casey explained. She originally faced a lot of lawsuits for putting the elevated over the Bayway part of the line. "Nobody wanted an el over Bayway. Hell even I didn't want it. I even came up with the compromise for a terminal at Southside & Bayway but the lawsuits kept pouring in. Had one pillar went up in that intersection, I would've still been sitting in court now trying to clear this up."

Casey also went on to describe the current westward leg of the 47 as "The Grand Compromise" since the tracks the elevated was put on were dormant for eight years prior when the N trolley was cutback from 19th Street to Freehold in 2004 due to deteriorating track conditions. Today, this leg of the 47 see the most ridership with Multilevel parking garages at Morganville, 35th-Hamilton & Freehold. 

Currently, Metropolis Transit is working on two major extensions. The first being the long-awaited 22 & 26 extension that will bring the two short elevated lines into Downtown via a new subway tunnel under Trees Avenue. The other is the 67 trolley extension into Metropolis International Airport. Both extensions were mapped out and executed on Casey's order. 

"Randall Mourie for years before he converted the 22 & 26 into Els wanted to build a Rapid Transit link from Boga Island to Downtown, he didn't want to bore through Mount Lover to build a ramp on the 65 line, this is why Blue Beach Transfer exists today. Why he never though of tunneling downtown is beyond me," she explained. "The reason why I wanted to do this was because I personally hear from the Boga Islanders about how annoying the transfer is. Tourist also do not understand or get why the 22 doesn't go into Downtown. Some even feel that 45 second ride is pointless until they walk that mountain by foot then are grateful it's there. Probably why nobody can pull the plug on it, it makes a great funicular railroad. Now think of it like this, unlike a funicular, my trains have the ability to run right to Downtown. Why give them the cake and not let them eat it too?"

When all said and done, the new 22 & 26 extension will run from their respective endpoints to a new terminal downtown near either Colette Street or Downtown Square with stops at Metropolis Central & The Interfair. The first phase to Metropolis Central is fully funded and under construction.

The future of Metropolis Transit is questionable for now according to Casey.  She current has no other long term plans other then expanding the DARK Bus network. There was a lot of mention of further partnerships with DashTransit Service like the current CERT Bus the M30 & M34 line that use to be Metropolis Transit lines. There's a possible expansion in the CERT Network as well but under DashTransit's control.

"I want us to move forward in our city. We have the nation's biggest trolley system, the third biggest elevated subway in the county next to NYC & Chicago and we can have the greatest transit system in the county if we put our minds to it. Certain transit companies rather spend millions abandoning trolley tracks and yanking them out while we're spending millions to keep our running in the grade A shape they are. I'm confident Metropolis Transit will be a remember name in the transit community for being a leader in change," she closes. Nicholette Casey currently is 22 Years Old, unmarried, and plans on staying with the company long term.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ridership On Buses Grow While Elevated Lines See Empty Trains

Metropolis, BR. Oct 21st, 2014.
Metropolis Transit's Route 79 Elevated Is Seeing More And More Empty Trains As Riders Flock to Buses.
Metropolis's elevated railway is one of the fastest ways to scale downtown and the southside of Metropolis but in the case of the 79 line, not many people are riding. A straight three years of sharp ridership declines had led to some trip on the 79 to run completely empty trains. Meanwhile right below the 79, the 74 & 74X buses are packed with passengers. Metropolis Transit is seeking to balance this out but has no idea yet on how. A lot of the Ocean Avenue businesses has also noticed the spike in bus ridership. Signs saying "Please Wait for The Bus Outside" has been popping up in windows of bodegas, liquor stores, and pizzerias that sit in front of bus stops because the crowds are using the stores as shelter from the cold weather.

Longer Buses Were Needed After Regular Buses Would Crowd
Recently, Metropolis Transit combated the problem of crowed buses by reassigning articulated bending buses to help alleviate the crowds that have been waiting for the bus. It helped to some degree but than even more riders flocked away from the elevated. The 79 is currently seeing it's lowest drop of ridership since the line was converted from a trolley line in 1991. It's possible the lack of elevators might explain the drop in ridership but if it hasn't drop like this before, Metropolis Transit asks why. The 74 & 74X buses currently run from 5:30 AM to 2:30 AM everyday of the week with the 79 elevated running bus service from 1:30 AM to 5:30 AM during the nights.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Metropolis Transit Wants YOU To Pick The Paint Job For New El Cars

Metropolis, BR. October 20th, 2014

Pattern A

Pattern B

Pattern C

Pattern D
Pictures above show four new possibilities for a new look for Metropolis's elevated system. Recently, Metropolis Transit announced Kawasaki was the winning bidder for the new 200 ME-Three Elevated Subway Cars that will replace the 48 older elevated cars that are now over 50 years old and beginning to rust. The paint job (really a vinyl decal rather than actual paint) is currently up in the air because Metropolis Transit's President, Nicholette Casey, feels the elevated needs a fresh look.

"One thing with the ME-Threes is the fact they will introduce three doors instead of only 2 and will have fluted sides so a design change in the paint is need," she said, ", Buses are already wearing new designs, trolley cars have been repainted since 2008 so it's time the Elevated & Subway gets a fresh look,"

Pattern A is the closest to what elevated trains currently wear when they're not wrapped for advertisements. Pattern B introduces dark grey into wide red body stripes while Pattern C goes a bit more on naked side with only pinstripe designs for decoration. Pattern D is basically a carbon copy of what the current two generations of Woodland Subway cars wear. If Pattern D is chosen, it will make the Elevated & Subway systems finally have matching paint jobs.

The vote is be held between the dates of 10/20/2014 & 10/26/2014 via Facebook. The most popular design will be chosen for the new railcars. Metropolis Transit has also stated this is not the end of the contests. Another vote in December will be held for the interior of the cars that will determine how the seats will be placed, what color will the padding be, and how the poles will be set up for maximum standee capacity. Visit Metropolis Transit's Facebook Page to vote,

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Kawasaki Picked To Build New Elevated Trains

Metropolis, BR. October 1st 2014.

Kawasaki will build the new elevated subway trains for Metropolis Transit.

Metropolis Transit has picked Kawasaki to build 150 brand new elevated subway cars after Kawasaki presented the lowest price in a month long bid against Bombardier, CAF USA & AlsandoBreda. The 150 new train car will replace the 50 year old Type-D PCC Cars. Metropolis Transit currently owns only 48 Type-D cars after 120 of them were retired following the delivery of the Bombardier elevated cars. All 48 cars will be retired and the fleet will expand greatly. This will give leeway for 8 car 47 & 65 Trains as well as expanding the fleet for the 22 & 26 Line which is currently having an extension built to Metropolis Central Station. Currently, the 47 & 65 trains run 6 cars packed loads at rush hours and both line runs every 7 mintues during rush hour.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Metropolis Transit Breaks Silence About Stalled 87 Extension

Metropolis, BR. September 22nd, 2014
The 87 Bus is long overdue for a southern extension.
Whatever happen to the 87 bus to Morrisville? Metropolis Transit finally breaks the silence on the extension that went south figurative before it actually travel south. The 87 line currently runs only as far as Greta Way & Ballerman Bl making a very short but very annoying trip. The southern terminal of the 87 is in the middle of Ballerman Bl where buses must stop and park where there are park cars only feet away. The extension to Morrisville would bring the bus futher down the under served area of Ballerman Bl and end all buses at Morrisville Trolley Depot where passenger can either hop on trolley or walk home.

Budget Fixes lead to delay of 87 extension. 
The 87 extension was approved back in April but no sign of it has yet to risen. Not even new sign poles or anything. Metropolis Transit blames the delay on budget fixes and bus restructuring. The amout of buses it would need mean either longer buses would have to be use or borrow more buses from other line. There also the fact that most of the older elevated subway cars are falling apart and being held together with duct tape and spit. Metropolis Transit has spent over $3 Million to keep the trains in service until a replacement fleet of subway cars come. The 87 extension will happen by 2015, Metropolis Transit has stated. The first extension of the 87 since it was put into service in 1986.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

New Buses Come In While Old Ones Get Rebuilt, Route Names Change As Well.

Metropolis, BR. September 21th, 2014
Over 25 brand new New Flyer Xcelsior Buses are in service for Metropolis Transit
Metropolis Transit recently spoke to legislation about restructuring the bus system as new buses come in and begin to replace the old N.A.B.I. & Orion buses that were not rebuilt. Over 25 brand new buses have been put into service out of Ran Mourie Depot in Bay of Silence. They are mainly seen on the 36 line with spotty trips on the 58 & 28N lines. The new buses use clean diesel engines that are powerful enough to get the buses up and down the hills of West Metropolis and take it up the climb to Lover's Lookout. Drivers of the 36 bus prefer these buses mainly to traverse the Lover's Lookout incline but also because of the change look on Waves Avenue.

The first Xcelsior articulated bus arrives. 
Along with the 26 Xcelsior buses in service, the first of 90 articulated Xcelsior buses arrived on the morning of September 20th to Ran Mourie Depot for evaluation. The new "artics" feature the same new things seen on the smaller counterpart like, backup camera, added security features, air soft suspension for easy traversing hills, and the signature padded strawberry seats. These also have the same powerful engine to go up and down hills with ease. The first bus will be tested before entering service but expect to see it on a line near you soon.

Some existing Bus Routes will soon see a name change. 
As with the changes to the size of the fleet. Starting October 6th 2014, letter prefixes will be dropped from certain lines to reduce confusion. Originally, lines with letter at the end of a number were express line but over the years, budget and perminiate route changes made some Number/Letter lines to become local. So in order to reduce the confusing all express lines are getting the suffix "X" while local number/letter lines will either drop the letter or the number completely.

Routes Affected: 
18L Now Becomes The 18X
19A Now Becomes The 19
28N Now Becomes The 28
28X Remains
32F Now Becomes The 32X
36C Now Becomes The 36 (Interfair Branch)
52G Now Becomes The G
63Q  Now Becomes The 63X
67A Now Becomes The L
74A Now Becomes The 74X

Monday, September 8, 2014

Sandy's Revenge: The 26 Bumped to Limited Service Status During Repairs

Boga Island, BR. Sept 8th 2014.
A divot in the sand cause the tracks to shift and was never fixed.  
It's been almost two long years since the devastating Hurricane Sandy stuck Metropolis. The monster storm surge flooded Boga Island completely and ate away at the beautiful beaches it has. The 26 elevated line happens to circles this island and it's the only physical link back to Metropolis. There is no road, and the ferry service only runs between 6 AM and 9 PM prompting 24 hour service on the line. It also soon going to be extended to Downtown relieving the 65 of crowding but that's still way off. Right now the line is plagued with speed restrictions, heavy decay of the rails, signals that magically shift when they're not suppose to and recently a train derailed near Little Wave Lake due to bad track. Metropolis Transit is stepping in with a "Brighter Orange" Fix that will fix the hurricane ridden tracks as well improve the ATC on the line.

Barley any beach left. The winter of 2013 took it's toll over here rather than Sandy.
The 26's concrete trackbeds sit on nothing but beach sand and with the recent winters of 2013 and Hurricane Sandy in the past eroding the beach, the beds are slowly losing ground around it. During the summer of 2014, the beach was off limits on this side to bathers since there was only 5 feet of beach at high tide from the tracks. The fix-up will specifically extend the beaches to enjoyable lengths while fixing and rearranging the trackbed around it. This results in hourly service during the Non-Rush Hours. Because of this, ferry service will run 24 hours a day until end of the fix up at the 19th of September. Metropolis El tickets will be honored on the Ferry until the 21st of September.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Metropolis Transit May Charge Premium Fares For Express Bus Lines

Metropolis, BR. Aug 21st 2014.
A Premium Fare May Soon Be Charged On The D Bus
Certain bus lines in Metropolis run limited stops only for their whole trip pretty much not stopping at every corner. The D Bus for one run express from Greta-Broadway to Metropolis Airport making only major boulevards and connecting rail services. The R Trackless Trolley also runs express from 13th Street & Corlesen to 38th Street & Corlesen, Some of these full limited may see a spike in fare. Metropolis Transit says, putting premium fares on express buses will mostly help them avoid a full system fare hike for 2015 & 2016. The current fare is $2.00 for all bus & trolley lines with only the S2 Trolley Line charging a premium fare after crossing the border at Casey Bl station.

Buses and Trackless Trolleys at the depot. 
The current lines in danger of fare hikes are:
D Bus: Metropolis Airport - Greta/Broadway
G Bus: Metropolis Central - Casey Bl S2 Station via Airport
E Bus: South Portland Airport - Freehold Transit Center
R Trackless Trolley: Ran Mourie Plz - 53rd & Bayshore
18L Bus: Bay of Silence - Metrohurst Mall via Airport
48 Bus: Metrohurst Mall - Christine Mallplex  (Limited service to Woodbridge Avenue)
66 Trolley: Exhibition Hall - Isle Glass Tower Loop

The list is not definite nor no word on when or how much fare hike are.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Whole Fleet Of Trolley Cars Down Due To Surging.

Metropolis, BR. August 19th 2014.

The Vintage Bodied PCC Cars Are Down For The Count.
A day late and a trolley short for Metropolis's Trolley System. 78 PCC-2 Streetcars were barned after five trolley cars in separate parts of the system shorted out due to high energy use. Some of the cars were so burned out, they had to be towed by trucks back to the depot since they could not move on their own power. With 78 trolleys temporarily down, the system has restored to completely bussing the entire 3 & 7 Lines out of Gretalinn Depot while other lines are running mixtures of half bus & half trolley service, even for Tunnel routes. The time could not be worse. With school for Metropolis children beginning next week, this could spell a fleet shortage ending up with certain school trips canceled.

There is currently no timeline from Metropolis Transit about when the trolleys will be fixed. All 78 trolleys must be thoroughly checked, tested, and re-checked before entering service again. This is the first time in three years since the trolley cars were rebuilt this problem has happened. Hopefully, it will be worked out in time for school.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The 22 & 26 El Extension Begins It's Constuction

Metropolis, BR. August 12th 2014.
The 26 Will No Long End In The Middle Of The Street At Blue Beach
The long awaited expansion on the 22 & 26 Line has begun construction. The extension will run underground going from Blue Beach Terminal to Metropolis Central and than a small terminal near Hilly-South Bread Station. This will end over 30 years of ending short at Blue Beach Terminal where riders have to transfer to the 65 Elevated or 36 Bus to continue their trip into downtown.
The construction will bring the line down the busy Trees Avenue to Metropolis Central, this mean a possible disruption to life above.

Tunnel Boring Machines or TBMs will dill the tunnels and the stations will be built using the "cut and cover" method, where the street will be opened up and cover with a temporary wooden surface while workers carve out a station under the wood. There will be possible disruptions to the 67 Trolley service as well. Back in 2008 during a track renewal project, the entire 67 Line was bussed and trolleys sat quietly at the depot dominant. This might happen again. Trains are set to roll into Metropolis Central starting 2018.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Metropolis Connector's Red Loop & CERT Bus Begins Today

House Park, Bridgerissa. August 4th 2014.
Metropolis Connector's Red Loop Uses Modern & Vintage PCC Trolley Cars.

DashTransit Service's expanding transit network in Metropolis take another benchmark today with opening of two new lines that will run from the heart of Downtown. Metropolis Connector's Red Loop will open today along the formerly abandoned 47 Trolley Line from Downtown to House Park. Stopping at dedicated stops and running on a 15 min schedule from 6AM-8 PM, the line is the second Trolley Rapid Transit (TRT) to open in the city. The Red Loop will use vintage and modern PCC Cars from both Metropolis Transit & the Geneva Heights Trolley Museum. It's a changed from the brand new Siemens trolley cars that are currently operating on the Blue Loops. 

CERT Bus Uses The Newest DTS Buses. 
The Christine Expressway Rapid Transit Bus or CERT Bus also begins today. Using DashTransit Service's newest New Flyer buses, the line will run 5 minute service along the Christine Expressway for most of the day. With Bus Stops at the mouth of widened on-ramps, getting on and off the bus has never been easier and faster. The ride from Bay of Silence to South Portland Airport will take 45 Minutes. A major reductions from the 47 El/E Bus combo which roughly takes and hour and the Subway/17 Bus combo which take even longer. This also means a one-seat ride from Downtown to the Airport. There is also service to Inverness, which is only 50 minutes compared to the hour and 10 minute ride on the M>Railway. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

DashTransit Announces New Paint Job And Service Changes

Bay of Silence, BR. July 30th 2014.

The New Darker Look To DashTransit Service and the New X32 to Los Santos, SA.
This morning, DaShawn J. Collins, the president of DashTransit Service, announced a major change in the company's image and service patterns. The bright yellow and orange buses will soon see a much darker but more stylish paint job in their futures. The first bus was unveiled in Los Santos at LSX Airport early this morning wearing the the new "Blue Wave" Scheme as well as sporting a new logo. The logo is cleverly designed T inside a D and the name moved towards the back of the bus but the bus didn't just get painted to look fancy. The service is bumping up.

Another view of the new look of DTS. 
New service to Los Santos will be provided via the new X32 Express line that will run south down Christine Expressway Non-Stop and then running local along Rt 36 to the San Andreas state border at Blaine County and then express again to Los Santos. It will beging the same day as CERT on August 4th and scedules are already in printing. The Philadelphia's Rt 76 Line of DTS will be discontinued on August 1st so TideCard will no longer be accepted on those buses from now until the end of service. DTS urges riders to ride the PHLASH instead. All service changes will be finished by August 4th. The bus repaints will happen over a course of a year.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Metropolis Connector Red Loop & CERT Set To Begin August 4th Admit Delays

Christine County, BR. July 26th, 2014.

Vintage Philadelphia Trolley On the new Metropolis Connector Tracks at House Park.
The Metropolis Connector Red Loop & the SPL-BRT now named C.E.R.T. has been delayed quietly from it's July 20th opening date because of "lack of branding" for the vehicles that will use each line. Delays in decals for Metropolis Connector and the now named Christine Expressway Rapid Transit or C.E.R.T. line have set both projects back two weeks. The delays also cascaded onto training scheduled for each line so operators need to be trained on both lines for the next two weeks. Other changes to fleet is the PCC cars that will be used for Red Loop. Instead of borrowing 5 of the 77 Rebuilt PCCs from Metropolis Transit, they will use museum quality Restored PCC cars from the Geneva Height Museum. This includes 4 PCC cars from Philadelphia, PA and one restored Metropolis Surface car.

DashTransit's CERT Branded bused. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Word To The Wise: Pay Your Fare!

Metropolis, BR. July 18th 2014
Metropolis Transit's fare table. 
Recently, ridership levels are at it's highest on certain lines but that doesn't come with it's share of troubles. More people are trying to get free ride on some of the buses and trolleys in Metropolis and it has the Metropolis Transit Police Department busy. Police Chief, Jane Bloor pointed out that people are not buying tickets at the trolley stops and when the fare inspectors step on board almost 80% of the time they're caught. The question to ask is, what about that other 20%? "They're taking advantage of system," she says, "They're riding for free and it's costing the system money." Since May, Metropolis Transit has hired more Fare Inspector Officers to ride trolleys and inspect fares yet somehow the numbers are still not adding. It's not just trolleys either, Bloor blames the spike in joyrides on people walking in the back door of a bus to avoid paying the fare in front of the driver and with two backdoors on each bendable bus, the problem can double.

MTPD is figuring out ways to combat the problem of back door riders by using plain clothed policemen. The budget for hiring new officers is almost completely exercised. This also dashed hopes for a commercial that will warn of the consequences for not paying the fare. Luckly, Metropolis Transit will provide some money to roll out campaign tentatively named, "Don't You Dare! Pay Your Fare!" The campaign is set to roll out in mid August. No further details have been released.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Certain Service Cuts To Metropolis Transit Will Take Effect

Metropolis, BR July 16, 2014.
Route 82 Will Reduce Service to Waves-Meadow starting Septemeber.
Riders will notice a change soon in certain bus & trolley routes around Metropolis. Less service and renaming certain routes will take effect in September in order to help bring more service to areas that need it. Limited resources and the delayed Siemens S70 order is not turning to well with people who rely on the service in certain areas. Also, ridership is dropping on certain lines while others are gaining riders and the amount of service needs to reduced in one are to serve another. Currently certain lines faces service gaps up to 45 Minutes to an hour due to not enough equipment being available. Schedules will be adjusted to go along with the changes.
Certains will increase in service while others will decrease. No full line cuts.

Lines to be affected:
Route 32F: To be renamed the 32 Express
Route 36: Service will run every 20 Minutes instead of 10 during Midday & Evenings.
Route 48: Sunday service will be eliminated due to low ridership. Riders urged to take D1 Dark Bus to Rt 47 Elevated. Monday to Saturday service remains unaffected. 
Route 52G: To be renamed Route G. 
Route 58: Sunday service will end at Christine Mallplex instead of Woodbridge-Eastwick. Monday to Saturday service remains unaffected.
Route 59: Service will run every 30 Minutes instead of every 15 on Saturdays and Sundays. 
Route 63Q: To be renamed the 63 Express. Service will run every 20 minutes instead of ever 15 on Saturdays & Sundays. 
Route 74A: To be renamed the 74 Express
Route 82: Service to Waves-Meadow will be eliminated on Middays. Only Rush hour trolleys will goes to Waves. Riders urged to take Rt 43 to Bay of Silence. 
Route 94: Service to JGSU Bus Center will run every 20 minutes instead of every 15 during Saturday, Sundays & Late Nights. 
Route D: Service to Greta-Ballerman will be eliminated on Saturday & Sundays due to low ridership. Riders urge to take Rt 47 Elevated. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Kawasaki To Ironically Rebuild Aging Kawasaki Trolley Fleet

Metropolis, BR. July 14th 2014.
Kawasaki will rebuild trolley they previous made themselves.
In a bit of a laughing irony, Kawasaki Heavy Industries has won the contract to rebuild Metropolis's aging trolley fleet that they had previously built themselves in the 1980s. Favoritism was not factor though in this case, they just happen to be the cheapest guys who can do the job. In a two month bidding period they proposed to rebuild the 155 Trolley Cars at $3.9 Million a piece which may seem a tad pricey but quiet cheap compared to others who bid on the contract. Kawasaki was lowest bidder among Siemens, CAF and FERB. The rebuilding will commence starting the end of 2014 and will continue until 2019 the earliest. The long period of time is due to the fact that only 5 to 10 trolley will be sent out at a time in order to not make the system go into fleet shortage. At the same time, the Siemens trolley cars will be continuing their delivery so their might be a balance to work with.

Kawasaki Trolley on the Rt 82 Line. 
Metropolis Transit's rebuilt trolley will feature new motors, new brakes that reuse and restore the energy it uses, faster speeds, upgraded LED signs, upgraded paint scheme, and updated windows and doors. This will also remove the trolley pole that is currently uses to collect power and upgrade to pantograph power collectors for more reliable service. The incandescent lights in the car will be replaced with LED as well and upgraded wall colors. The first upgraded trolley is set to hit rails March 2015. The upgraded trolley will last until 2025.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Metropolis Connector's First Week Is A Success. Ridership Levels High.

Metropolis, BR. July 13th 2014.
Metropolis Connector Trumps Ridership Levels.

Metropolis is feeling blue but not the blue you'd expect. The Light Blue & Blue Loops of the Metropolis Connector who replaced the less frequent 61 trolley opened to record ridership levels. Metropolis Connector was not expecting the record surge of passengers on the line but the dollar fares seem to attract riders and tourist alike. There also no such thing as the last Connector of the night, the bat service the line receives is staggering as well. "It actually took people off the the 61 for once" said Metropolis Transit G.M. Nicholette Casey, "I'm more surprised people are getting out at night. This city is full of bats who come out at night and need to get around." She also thanked the president of DashTransit Service, DaShawn J. Collins for joining forces to make it happen.

The Red Loop, a line that will run from Downtown Square to House Park via the former 47 tracks will go into service on July 20th, 2014. The same day as the new DashTransit BRT Line to South Portland Airport opens. Crews are prepping the line for the trolley revival including installing new "island" on Ballerman Bl for passengers to safely wait for trolleys. The current fleet of long Siemens cars will continue to service the Blue Loops while the Red will use the vintage-bodied PCC Cars that were rebuilt just a few years ago. Metropolis Connector is branded as the first Trolley Rapid Transit line in America with headway of every 7 Minutes during rush hour, every 10 during midday and evening, and every 20 during the late night hours. The Red Loop will have round the clock 15 minute service.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Flood Waters Shut Down The Broadway Trolley Subway On July 3rd

Metropolis, BR. July 4th 2014.

Flood Waters oversweep the Trolley Subway at Greta Way Portal on the night of July 3rd.
A wild line of thunderstorms trained over Metropolis dumping roughly 10.2 inches of rain water in matter of three hours. The downpours causes flash flooding around Metropolis's low laying areas including the entrances into the Broadway Trolley subway. At Greta Way Portal just west of Nevins Station had water piled up to 2 full feet of water that rushed down the Greta Way ramps and ponded onto the lower level of Greta-Broadway station (the lowest point of the tunnel). Trolley service through the tunnel was completely suspended starting at 10:02 PM last night after passengers fled Nevins & Greta stations when the surge of water came rushing in. Nobody was hurt last night in the flood waters.

No trolleys were in the tunnel other than a 5 trolley that was at it's loop underground and out of harms way. The water is rain water, so corrosion isn't a worry though some signals were damaged by the flood waters resulting in a overnight closure of the tunnel. The tunnel reopened at 5 AM but with delays and cancellations including Routing the 7 Line though 35th Street & Lindsay due to out signals. Nevins Station remains closed at this time. The 43 is extended to Morrisville because of the ramp closure. The Greta Way Portal will reopen later on today or tomorrow depending on when repair will be finished. Not the best way to celebrate the 4 of the July, that for sure.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

10 Things You Need To Know About Metropolis Connector

Metropolis, BR. July 2nd, 2014.
DashTransit's Metropolis Connector set begin service on Friday July 4th.
With the 61 City Circle Trolley line of Metropolis Transit tipping it's hat off to the new Metropolis Connector TRT Line, it not hard to imagine what might come of this. Currently, the new service will replace the 61 trolley with a sightseer trolley with frequent headways and less stops labeling it "Trolley Rapid Transit". This also bring the age of color coded lines. The Blue & Light Blue Loops will take over the current 61 running pattern, as well as the new Red Loop from Downtown Metropolis to House Park set to begin July 20th. Here are the 10 will's and won'ts of Metropolis Connector:
A PCC-II Trolley being redecaled into Metropolis Connector.

  • Metropolis Connector WILL run every 15 Minutes in off-hours, every 7 during rush hour. 
  • Metropolis Connector WILL run weekends and overnights with 20 Minute headways. 
  • Metropolis Connector WILL serve every major attraction in the city. 
  • Metropolis Connector WILL run the newest trolleys in Metropolis. The PCC-II and Siemens S70 LRV.
  • Metropolis Connector WILL have free transfers to Metropolis Transit Bus, Trolley, Subway or Elevated Railway. 
  • Metropolis Connector WILL NOT be called the 61. The will be two loop in each direction. The Clockwise Light Blue Loop and Counter-Clockwise Blue Loop as well as the Red Loop opening in late July. 
  • Metropolis Connector WILL NOT look like Metropolis Transit trolleys, they will have their own distinctive paint scheme. 
  • Metropolis Connector WILL NOT accept TideCard Tickets or be on Metropolis Transit fare plan. One way with a transfer (upon request) will be only $1 Dollar . Transfers accepted from Metropolis Transit and DashTransit. 
  • Metropolis Connector WILL NOT be anything like it's former 61 counterpart.
  • Metropolis Connector WILL NOT disappoint you. 

Brand New Siemens S70 Trolleys decaled for Metropolis Connector.
The Connector is set to begin at 5:30 AM on July 4th, 2014. Schedules are already available at various trolley loops and information centers. There is also a special offer in the Metropolis Times for $45 Family Ticket for unlimited ride for the rest of the Summer (Labor Day). This offer is going rather fast for frequent commuters of today's 61 Line. The last 61 trolley will operate at 11:45 PM, July 3rd 2014.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Positive Reviews For Metropolis Transit's New Buses

Metropolis, BR. June 26th 2014.
Metropolis Transit's New Buses Are The Rave.
After 30 days of service on the 28N & 58 Lines, five brand-new buses from New Flyer Industries receive great reviews from riders, and drivers alike. The trial included 2 of buses operating on the 58 line from Central Station to Woodbridge Commons and 3 on the busy Downtown to Little Paris 28N Line. Passengers were happy to ride on padded strawberry seats and hear crystal clear announcements. The biggest thing though on these buses is the rear view backup cameras that driver love. A bus operator on the 28N line said these were his favorite buses strictly for that reason. Metropolis Transit purchased the buses with backup camera to reduce depot related accidents and park more buses in a closer space without worrying of damage.

As of June 26th 2014, only five buses has been delivered to Ran Mourie Depot in Midtown Metropolis adjacent from Metropolis Transit headquarters. There's 80 more buses set to come and possibly 100 new trackless trolley models to replace the current aging fleet on the R, 13, 25 & 40 Lines. New Flyer Industies is happy to be a part of Metropolis Transit's bus fleet for over 10 years now, and recently New Flyer became the leading bus company of the United States after beating out NovaBus in a 3-4 vote.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Metropolis Transit Rolls Out The Memory Train

Metropolis, BR. June 18th 2014
Inspiration For The Memory Train Was A Handmade Wooden Train by Artist, Jessica Carollo.
More transit vehicles are getting ad-wrapped these day like giant moving billboards because of the yearly revenue they generate from catching the people's eye. Recently, Metropolis Trains rolled out the first ever ad-wrapped Elevated train for the YouTube sitcom, The Pancake Files. Another train was also wrapped in a yummy looking ad for Cluck-U Chicken, but this time Metropolis Transit took another direction in wrapping. Designed by a you and inspiring artist Jessica Carollo, a full six-car train was wrapped in vibrant colors in a very unique pattern to advertise her Photo & Art shop in Meadow Hill across the street from Exhibition Hall. Named "The Memory Train", the train was based of a simple but creative wooden locomotive. The words "Thanks For The Memories...." are printed along the side.

Artist & Photographer, Jessica Carollo (20). The Artist Behind The Memory Train. 
The artist behind the cleaver wrap say the idea of making a memory train came from a former boyfriend of hers who really like trains. She painstakingly put together the wooden memory train in her vocational school and gave it to her ex as present for Christmas. Recently Jessica, opened up a Photo & Art Studio in Meadow Hill right near the elevated railway lines that feed Exhibition Hall. She came up with the idea of trying to lure more customers into the Studio. Working with Metropolis Transit, the young artist score a firesale deal to ad-wrap six elevated railway cars under the condition that it stays on the 79 & 39 Lines which pass by her store. The Memory Train will continue until fall when the train is due for it's next 90 day inspection. After 90-Days it will be unwrapped and have it's red stripes decaled back on.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Metropolis Connector To Begin July 4th, SPL BRT To Begin July 20th

Metropolis, BR

Metropolis Connector's Trolley on Display At The Interfair During The Auto Show.
DashTransit Service has a lot for the Metropolis Commuter to be happy about this summer. Fast new bus service directly from Metropolis to South Portland Airport and the upgraded 61 line now known as Metropolis Connector are set to begin really soon and contract positions are filling. July 4th is currently the aim for Metropolis Connector, July 20th for SPL. All in all both line expected to be in service by end of the July month.

New BRT service will start from Bay of Silence Bus Terminal.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Metropolis Transit Goes For New Flyer Order Option, 100 More Trackless Trolley.

Metropolis BR, June 2nd 2014
More Trackless Coaches Are Heading To Metropolis. 

After talks with New Flyer and having bus #1800 go into service, Metropolis Transit exercised the option for 100 mores buses. These being trackless trolley coaches for service along the 13, 18, 25, 40, 44 & R Lines which use overhead power pole to move instead of a dirtier diesel engine. These new Trackless Trolley will have option for 2.3 Miles of off-wire full movement by use of a battery and will also contain a small diesel motor to be used during longer reroutes but at slower speeds then using electricity. They will also feature new SwivelTech Trolley poles which will ease turning with trolley poles and creating a faster moving coach.
Older coaches will be replace by the ones above. 
These 100 new coach will join the 10 that are in production with the current order which also contain two variants of the diesel motored buses. These new "Xcelsior" coaches will replace the 100 North American Bus Industries coaches that have been in service since 1998. The first of the new trackless coaches will arrive in 2015 and the last one is set to deliver in mid-2016. By then, the last N.A.B.I. Trackless Coach will be around 18-years-old.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Surprise! Metropolis Transit Buys 8 Ex-Chicago El Cars

Metropolis, BR. May 28th 2014
Metropolis Transit Buys Eight Old Chicago L Cars Due to Ridership Spike (Chicago-L.Org)
The 47 & 65 elevateds are currently at capacity during rush hour. Both lines serve very populated neighborhoods and both can only runs 6-car-trains during rush hour at 7.5 Minute intervals. There was a proposal to extend the hour of service and the number of cars the 65 has. Then just a few days ago, it was announced bidding has began for new elevated cars. So what do we do in the meantime? Buy eight Chicago Transit Authority retired L cars from out of the blue to help run more trains. It was announced by president & GM Nicholette Casey that the eight cars were purchased and on their way. They will however be "belly cars" though, meaning existing Metropolis Transit will pull them in the middle of trains. 

Chicago Cars & Metropolis Cars are almost Identical.  (
These Chicago L cars were built by Boeing-Vertol in 1977 and were one of the only two Boeing built trains, the company known for airplanes has ever made. They will be rebuilt and rewired for A/C traction so that can run with current elevated cars that are currently running. This might be a short-term fix for a long term problem but it will help Metropolis Transit move people more smoothly! The new cars will be in service by the end of this year.