Monday, September 8, 2014

Sandy's Revenge: The 26 Bumped to Limited Service Status During Repairs

Boga Island, BR. Sept 8th 2014.
A divot in the sand cause the tracks to shift and was never fixed.  
It's been almost two long years since the devastating Hurricane Sandy stuck Metropolis. The monster storm surge flooded Boga Island completely and ate away at the beautiful beaches it has. The 26 elevated line happens to circles this island and it's the only physical link back to Metropolis. There is no road, and the ferry service only runs between 6 AM and 9 PM prompting 24 hour service on the line. It also soon going to be extended to Downtown relieving the 65 of crowding but that's still way off. Right now the line is plagued with speed restrictions, heavy decay of the rails, signals that magically shift when they're not suppose to and recently a train derailed near Little Wave Lake due to bad track. Metropolis Transit is stepping in with a "Brighter Orange" Fix that will fix the hurricane ridden tracks as well improve the ATC on the line.

Barley any beach left. The winter of 2013 took it's toll over here rather than Sandy.
The 26's concrete trackbeds sit on nothing but beach sand and with the recent winters of 2013 and Hurricane Sandy in the past eroding the beach, the beds are slowly losing ground around it. During the summer of 2014, the beach was off limits on this side to bathers since there was only 5 feet of beach at high tide from the tracks. The fix-up will specifically extend the beaches to enjoyable lengths while fixing and rearranging the trackbed around it. This results in hourly service during the Non-Rush Hours. Because of this, ferry service will run 24 hours a day until end of the fix up at the 19th of September. Metropolis El tickets will be honored on the Ferry until the 21st of September.

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