Monday, March 20, 2017

The Summit Ave Elevated Subway is Go. No Word On The City Line Subway.

Marlboro, BR March 20th 2017
New Elevated Subway Would Branch Off 47 Line At 19th & Geneva Heights Ave.
Metropolis Transit and Bridgerissa Department of Transportation were both please to announce yet another rapid transit expansion project as part of the Move Forward 2016-2026 Plan. After countless studies, a new rail corridor along Nedro & Summit Avenues was chosen to be built. This new line will branch off the current 47 Elevated Line at 19th Street & Nedro Ave and will enter a new tunnel under Summit Square and run under Summit Ave for a mile before reemerging outside near SW 38th Street and continuing on an elevated structure to the city line.  The new line will likely become the 33 Elevated with the bus of the same number possibly being renumbered. It is however not clear if this new line will begin at 13th-Nedro Station on the borderline of the boroughs of Marlboro and West Metropolis or in Uptown Metropolis with the 47 train.

Tentative Station Map (Subject To Change)
While the new subway/elevated line might get built along Summit Ave. The Proposed City Line Subway seem to have gone silent. There has been no recent word of it since it was first proposed and no meeting to date were held unlike the Summit Ave Corridor. The Summit Ave Corridor has 3 choices for transportation including elevated subway, light rail (Trolley), or enhanced bus service and the public chose elevated subway and the now the public will soon be able to vote on stations. Metropolis Transit might either rename or remove a few stations from the tentative list. The Summit Ave Line will go into service sometime in 2021. That date however is subject to change as well.